Thursday, August 30, 2012


I’m here waiting, listening, eager
I anticipate it, long for it; desire it with all my heart
My heart beats swiftly 
My lips cannot help but smile as I wait
Waiting is not hard
When you know what you are waiting for

I know that it will come and soon
For it never tarries, it’s never delayed
Then in the stillness I hear it

He speaks and His words are like fire,
Burning out the unholy
I didn’t know how dirty I was
Until He spoke and I saw myself
And fell on my knees and wept
For I am a man of unclean lips
And I dwell in the midst of people who are also unclean

He speaks and his words are like rain
Falling upon a parched dry land
I didn’t know I was dry
Until His voice washes over me
And I am quenched

He speaks and his words are like oil
Soothing away the pain, the hurt, the sadness
I didn’t know I was hurt
Until his voice soothed away pains
That had woven its way into my very character.

His words are like fire – burning
His words are like rain – quenching  
His words are like oil – soothing

I’m here waiting, listening eager once more…..
Written by Claudia Althea

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