Friday, March 4, 2011

Eygptian Mayhem

Feb 8, 2011
In the month of February when most people look to spread love and chocolate kisses, Egyptians are nursing wounds and mourning losses of loved ones stolen by a civil war that ravaged the streets of Cairo and anyone in the vicinity.  A change was the cry of the people as they demanded violently for the removal of President Mubarak.  He adamantly refused to step down and so we have war. 

Children born within the last sixteen years are no stranger to the word War and all its ugliness and resulting tragedy.  They are desensitized at times to the blood shed and destructive elements that stains our lives indelibly.  So much of it is surreal at times I suppose and so how we can blame them.   The truth is that there will be more wars.  Is that not what was promised to come? Jesus said, "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Matthew 24:6) 

Egypt is no stranger to wars.  From the Exodus of the Israelites there has been a clash of wills and war with the Egyptians.  Theirs is a nation that has seen from the days of Pharaoh the effects of war on the people. We watch with abated breaths, and some with passive interest to see the outcome of this latest unrest.

We grow weary, and the sameness of it all becomes boring to most.  But these things ought to make us more aware of the unseen clock of the end drawing near. It should motivate us into action, to do all that we can for the Kingdom of God; to be a light in this world of darkness. To be the difference in this world we call home for a season. 

War?  Yes, it will always be around I suppose. But lest we forget we have our own fight to fight.  Let us be soldiers in the army of Christ, militant and unrepentant in our stance of who Jesus, the Christ is – the son of God.

Pray for Egypt warriors of prayer…it still avails much.

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