Monday, March 7, 2011

New and Improved

The new and improved?  Only to me.

New me
New you?
New boots
New “do”?

I cut my hair.  Not clip the ends off, but take the length off.  My cousin has said in her own loving way “You’re crazy!”  My sister echoed her own loving thoughts describing my new “hair do” as perhaps being the landing place of a bird.  My mom looks at me above my eyes and I know she wrestles herself daily, and has kept her questions such as “So are you going to do something to it?” to only once a week.  God bless them all.

I smile even as I write this, feeling completely at ease with all the comments, looks, questions and others.  Now, don’t get me wrong – my hair is still pretty boring.  No added colour, no Mohawk (even though I would love to try it), no shaved parts just boring and regular.

The cause of my family’s distress is that one word that most girls of colour are afraid of – well in my family.  Natural.  I am trading in the bottles of “perm”, and other straightening agents. Instead, I have opted to see my hair…emphasis on the MY.  The hair, as God made it – without the “enhancing” products that my family thinks I need.  I cut off the processed hair, and I have not since looked back. Instead, I have fallen in love with every strand of it. 

My friend asked me why am I so happy, it is not as if I had anyone else’s hair. But to explain it goes beyond my vocabulary.  I won’t try to do that even now.  All I can say is I love my hair.  I look in the mirror and I love the thickness, the natural curl of it, the kinkiness (is that a word) that I now have.  I love the way it feels under my fingers, I love the washing process, and I love it!  I guess my hair is what the supermarkets would call organic – without any added things – au natural!  I had to laugh when my cousin suggested that I should drink some Sircee (herbal) tea to fill this need I have for natural hair.  That still makes me laugh. J

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