Friday, March 25, 2011

My God-daughter

This week-end her mom has gone away  and Myah and I are doing our very first sleep over.  She is at my house. So far so good.  Tree House - I love you!  The channel is now keeping her well entertained, her belly is full and we have two sleeps and one day to go.  The significance of this is how far she has come since we met. 
Her birth mother left her in the hospital, where she was in foster care until my friend was sent along by God to this beautiful child.  When we met her she was not speaking, eating solids or walking properly. The speech therapists were not hopeful that she would have words and so they started to teach her sign language.  She was not mobile as every other child in that age group. She was not a fan of solids having spent all of her formative years on a bottle and nothing else.  But God....I could almost break out in shouts of praise for a God who has done so much in the life of this little girl.  The professionals are surprized at just how far she has come.  They dont undersand the power of a praying Mom to a mighty God who is able to heal, change and make whole.

Almost three years ago, I was asked to be the god-parent of this little girl.  At first I wondered what I was getting myself could I relate to her?  She was different from my nieces and nephews and other god children.  I remember the first day I sat her.  Many Tuesdays ago, I remember how she screamed and rocked back and forth, back and forth. No words came from her and the idea of me touching her did not seem to bode well with her.  She cried and cried for what felt like an eternity.  Since then, we have come a long way. My god-daughter runs, and speaks and eats.  She knows my name.  The first time she said it I felt like she was my own daughter saying Mommy for the first time.  She was able to recognize me - what a treasure.  She gives hugs and kisses.  She is the youngest member of the praise team on Sundays...singing along with the best of us.  Her memory is like an elephant's and her intellect very sharp. At almost 5 years old, my Myah has taught me how to be patient. She has shown me that love is not one size fits all. Instead, it is very individualistic.  God makes no mistakes and she is just perfect - flaws and all!

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