Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Choose ye this day...

Choose ye this day…the Prime Minister of Canada 2011
Harper, Ignatieff, Layton, Duceppe, May
Canadians have been subjected to the political campaigns by the different parties.  They have had to endure the good the bad and the ugly, each leader vying for the votes of the citizens of Canada.  I asked the question some days ago, “what if you choose neither?”  Is there a box that gives the option of none of the above?  I have never been a political expert, never much caring for the promises that are often times just a comfort to a fool.  So to get the details I have looked to websites such as http://saeedselvam.ca/2011/04/choosing-a-prime-minister-of-canada-2011/, which nicely summarizes the “party in a “nutshell””.   
The Bloc Quebecois
Party in a “nutshell”: Believes that Quebec is an autonomous nation. Believes that Quebec has been ignored and deserves its “fair share.” Believes that the Harper Govt. has neglected Quebec and that the other parties will do the same.
The Conservative Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: Believes that this election was unnecessarily called and that the country did not want it.  Tough on crime and security by investing in prisons, policing and our armed forces. Wants to keep taxes low and concerned with economic growth. The party is situated at the Right of the political spectrum. The rest of the party’s mandate can be found here
The Liberal Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: In this election, the party is making dedicated efforts to appeal to the “everyday” Canadian. The party boasts a strong historical background and is wanting to reclaim power after bringing down the Conservative budget and accusing the Conservative party of being in contempt of parliament. The party believes that Harper’s policies have been more catered towards corporate Canada and have destroyed the foundations of democracy via the constitutional violations of the past 3 years. The Liberal party is ideologically positioned at the Centre of the political spectrum, reaching out to moderate voters as they have the ability to be fiscally conservative or socially conscious.
The New Democrat Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: Family, student and newcomer oriented, the party is making aggressive attempts to brand themselves as the party for working class Canadians, and for the most part, they have been. Known as a party that supports and draws support from unions, the NDP is now challenging the Conservatives and most specifically the Liberals (in attempts to sway Liberal voters to the NDP) on issues of being “out of touch” with the average Canadian highlighting the negative track records of both parties. Through a series of commercials and ads, the NDP is targeting Ignatieff in particular, emphasizing his lack of attendance in the House of Commons and that true “leadership” is needed. The party falls on the Left of the political spectrum.
The Green Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: “Smart economy, true democracy, strong communities,” -this is the Green party’s motto and brand for this election. The party is seen as an activist party, calling into question, matters of power and environmental abuse. Primarily focused on environmental conservation.

Well folks there you have it, in a nutshell.  Now who would you choose?  Out of the five, who would you give your one vote?  Your vote that is by the way very powerful.  It is your voice, your say in the leadership of your country.  I once heard, “It is a dead man that does not speak”.   As Canadians we still have that right to state our opinion and to choose.  It reminds me of the story of Joshua as he faced the Israelites and told them “Choose ye this day whom you will serve?”  In a way, that is the same decision that is being asked of you today.  Choose. As for me, I would wish that we could have a leader that tells you honestly what they will do; that will not compromise on integrity and morality once in office.  I am looking for a leader that will honour God without apology.  I am looking for a leader that will not bow down to the devil and his demands.  I am looking for a LEADER that will lead as God directs him/her.  Is that an impossible list to be included in the platform? Be it so or not, on May 2nd we will all have our the right to CHOOSE.
By: Engada

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