Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pregnant with Possibilities

Mary’s Song
I remember not long ago
In a holy place, upon my floor
The voice of the Lord came unto me
“You are pregnant and it’s for me”

My heart seized with fear
Doubted the words were true
I just could not be
The one He would choose

He eased my mind
Erased my fears
Cleansed my hands
And wiped my tears

Daughter, you are pregnant
Fear not, it is my will
That inside you carry
The life that I give

You are my vessel
I choose to fill you
With this gift of life
For my sovereign will

The name already
I have chosen for you
Possibility Potential
It grows within you

Take heart my daughter
Guard it with care
Be careful to obey
And always to hear

This child I have given
Is not only for you
He is for a nation
I have birthed within you

I am pregnant says the Lord
The God of my Fathers
Pregnant for His purpose
Pregnant by His will

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