Friday, April 29, 2011

History has been made

The Prince of Wales, William Mountbatten-Windsor (yes he has a last name) and Kate Middleton were married today, this 29th day of April, 2011!  They are now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.  I am very happy for the couple.  Now I must admit that I had no intention of rousing myself from sweet vacation slumber to watch the LIVE viewing from BBC.  Yet, there I was squeezing my eyes tight pretending to sleep while my mind was wide awake.  So I watched.  
But as I watched I couldn’t shake the urgency to pray.  I thought of Charles and Diana.  I remembered watching their wedding as a little girl.  We never thought that their marriage would collapse as it did. We never saw ahead to her very tragic end.  We never saw the ending, when on that 29th day of July in 1981 (was it strategic for their son to be also married on the 29th?) they made their vows to love until death.
Back then I really didn’t care much.  Today, I most certainly do.  I prayed.  I prayed that their marriage would last, until death do they part.  They have the responsibilty to be always in the public eye, after all they are not your average Joes.  I cannot begin to imagine how much pressure that may be for them.  I prayed that the pressure from the media would not cause their bond to weaken.  I prayed that their bed would be undefiled, as the bible tells me that marriage bed is undefiled.  I prayed that nothing will be able to pull them apart. I prayed that they would have children, whom they would raise to know God.  I prayed that they would know Jesus for themselves.  I prayed that the legacy they leave behind would be the testimony of a wonderful gospel and the saving power of a generous God.

I don’t know these people, and I am almost certain that I will never see them or meet them.  Likewise, you may not know them.  But I urge you, I beg you to pray for them.  Pray in faith believing that God who hears and answers prayer will move in their lives and keep them safe, and save their souls. 

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