Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's Not About Me afterall...

Trusting Jesus is all that really matters, and my life will never be the same.  These words have popped into my head as I opened up to write.  You know I am so very grateful to God for who He is.  He remains faithful throughout all things. He is consistent and a friend like no other. I boast in Him, for He is my champion.  In the day of evil He is my hiding place. In the storms of life, He is my calm.  God is a good God.  Why am I saying all of this? I have had a rather interesting weekend.  People have criticized me for being too “radical” for Christ.  That was not the exact word they used to describe me, but I won’t repeat what they said.  I was feeling a bit deflated but since then I have gained new perspectives. God is not surprised by my conversation.  He is not unaware of those that are against me.   His very own son was spoken about. People rejected Him.  So I am in good company. When others reject and despise me for the sake of Christ then I give glory.  Yes Lord.  I know who I am in your son and I will not compromise my stand in Him.  I am in Christ, so those that are against me, are against you also.  It really isn’t about me.  It is about You.  It is about their relationship with you. It is about how You make them feel.  I laugh out loud (LOL).  Here I was ready to make it about me.  But now it is clearer to me than when I just began writing.  You are who they have a problem with – not me.  You sent word to me, the battle is not mine, it’s all yours. 

God, is there anything too hard for you?  Nothing is too hard for the creator of Heaven and Earth. You sing over me songs of deliverance.  I go forward for you are on my side. I know the word says If God is for me, who can be against me?  No-one.  God is my champion in the land of Giants.  I go forth with no fear. I go forth with the knowledge of God and who I am in Him.

Thank you for bearing with me as I worked through all of this.  I hope in my doing this I have allowed you to see Him, the one who is your present help in time of trouble.  The one who holds you close to his heart, and who hears you when you cry out.

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