Thursday, March 8, 2012

You are Beautiful and Spirit Filled

“You are Beautiful and Spirit Filled – you don’t need more than that”. 

These are the words my friend wrote to me today. I asked her to give me some of what she had to make men notice her and ask her out on dates. See, she had just received an invitation for a date by a 70y/o man and I was joking with her that she has them coming from all ages.  JHow cute.

Her response to me really touched me deeper than she realized that it would have, I imagine.  I know that God inspired her to say such a thing and it was like a balm to my soul.  It once again settled within me that uncertainty about my image and reinforced what I already know. I was made beautiful.

I was having one of those dreams where I manipulated all the players to do exactly as I wanted. You know the ones where your eyes are closed but you are wide awake? This happened just this morning so the details are still fresh.  I was to be married to a gorgeous Jesus Loving man of integrity and valor (even though I still couldn’t quite tell you what he looked like, but in my mind he was gorgeous to me).  And even in this wide awake dream I had a problem – my body. I was afraid that he would be turned off when he really got a chance to see me unclothed.  Now try as I might, I could not get myself to think about it any other way. I saw myself in counseling with my Pastor and even saw or sensed the hurt in my husband for thinking him so shallow.  So much for me controlling the script. 

So I spent very little time looking in the mirror as I got ready for work, having worked up myself to believing the lie that I had allowed to play out behind closed eyelids.  But isn’t it just like my Father to correct this right away?  You are beautiful and spirit filled.  Even as I say them to myself I can already feel the smile tugging at my lips. What was I thinking?  I’m shaking my head right now because in just a split moment I was heading towards my past.  That was the old way of thinking. Christ has made me new. Thank God for the words that healed my soul and made me whole!

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