Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Single Mom? Not really.

Being a single mom was to be the topic of this article; a friend has asked me to write about my experience as a single parent and already I am stumped.  God has already been reminding me of a truth and it is my belief that He wants others to know it too. In particular, single parents.  To give some back drop to my story I will start at the beginning.   I had my son at twenty years old, over seventeen years ago. While I leave you to do the math on my current age, I will continue to say that I had a very romanticized view of my relationship with his dad.  Never did I see the day when I would be the stereotypical single mom – or the hated term “Baby Mother”. I cringe even now just to see those words joined together as the reminder of its meaning offends me greatly.

 I took my son everywhere with me.  That was partly because I didn’t want to burden others with what I considered to be my responsibility solely.  I worked jobs that I would have passed up had I not had another mouth that was literally dependent on me to fill it.  I gave up my youthful college days of care free lounging, having to run from classes to the part time job I was blessed to have obtained. I became mother and father for a long while, as I strived to do it all on my own. 

By the time my son turned 13, God got through to me.  He told me that He was the father that my son needed.  As a single mom I felt weighed down by guilt, blaming the lack of a Father for my son on myself.  I battled pride, not willing to accept help easily from those around me.  Yet,  I felt overwhelmed by the challenges that I knew were still ahead of me. I was unable even then to answer his questions as I could not relate to him as a man could, and I really didn’t know anything about being a boy.  But God knew.  He was telling me that I didn’t have to go it alone as He was more than capable to fill the gap and more in my son’s life.  He wanted me to know that He was not blindsided but these circumstances will be used to accomplish His will.

God wants you to know single parent, that He is more than willing to be the co-parent with you.  He is willing to give you wisdom generously without reproach.  He says He is mother and father to those without.  God is your partner in the raising of your children and you don’t have to be single in this mission.  You can be coupled to the God of the heaven and earth, whose eyes can see beyond today.  So be encouraged single parent, God is with you.

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