Monday, March 19, 2012

Worthy of Love

I am so worth it
You are so worth it
Worth what? You ask of me
Worthy of love!
Oh no, it’s not what you think
It’s not the any kind of love
That comes and goes like the tide
It’s not the kind from just anyone who
Happens to come by your side

It is the love that never tires
Never fades and never goes away
This love goes beyond any you have ever felt
Goes above what you think or thought you had

It is not the kind that’s found
In the arms of a man
It is not the kind that rolls off the lips
That teases the senses and leaves you empty
No, it is not the way the world
Has said it is, should or will be

 But it is the John 3:16 love
That even now grows better every day
Growing stronger with each passing year
For God so loved the world that He gave
To you and me, His son
That we may live and not die
Having the promise of everlasting life!

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