Thursday, June 21, 2012

All About You

All About You

Do you see that you are worth more than the flowers?
Do you know that your voice reaches my ear?
Can you feel the softness of my touch?
Are you aware of my presence surrounding you like air?

I am the I am
I am all that you need
I am the source of your desires
I am the answer to your prayers

It is you that I have called to me
It is you that I will use for my purpose
It is you that will speak to many
In my name and for my glory
It is you and only you for such a time as this

Don’t be afraid oh you my child
For fear is never from me
Only power, love and a soundness of mind
Only Good gifts do I offer to you

Don’t sit and wonder
How can this be done
I ask nothing of you
Except trust me above all
Don’t say no, but yes Lord
Thy will be done

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flirting with Temptation

Flirting with temptation

I am frightened for myself
I am fearful of me
I am afraid to open my eyes
I am terrified of the things I see

I know that this is a trap
I know that the end is destruction
I am dancing with the desires
I know its source is from the dark

I have been here before
I am familiar with this scene
I have spoken and heard
I have already seen the end

I wonder why every time
I fall at the same spot
I seem to loose my senses
I become blinded and misguided

I need help Jesus
I need someone to rescue me
I am incapable of helping myself
I am weakened and desperate

I am sending up an SOS
I am doing this while I can
I am not promising the next second
I need you Jesus please help me

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

nothing wrong with a little discipline

parents this is for you. i am the mother of a teenager, an 18 year old to be exact. well soon to be 18y/o. i have been struggling to hold on to God's promises. i mean i really feel like the cat that is holding on to the rope with the last bit of strength i have.
my son has yet to see himself as i do, much less as God does. truly without a vision the people perish. 

right now i realize that we have more disagreements because he is too old to be a baby, but still too young to be an adult. i know; he is legally almost there. but in his mind, he is a baby. so i've been holding on to any moment of peace we have had, and i allowed something else to come in; Fear.

i have been afraid to discipline him. i have been afraid that if i said the wrong thing he would leave home. i have been afraid that he would be mad at me forever. i have been afraid of the darkness coming into our home.  i have been afraid to do anything.

but all that i feared the most came upon me. i am thinking of the israelites or even of job and how their fear materialized, destroying so many things, and crushing hope and faith.  lord knows, i am not pointing fingers at anyone else but myself.

one day as i was driving home i heard the question in my head, am i afraid of him?  i responded laughingly, yes lord i am. I am afraid of my son.

well it was from that point that i realized how crazy that was to even admitt.  how can i have a son that i am afraid to correct. is it not a wise man that takes correction? am i not chastened/disciplined by own heavenly father because he loves me?

it was then that i fully understood that discipline never kills anyone when administered in love. it helps, and corrects, builds and repairs.  it is good and not bad.

the darkness i feared was already lying in a bed, all 170lbs of it.  it was time to shine the light inside of me and drive this beast out!

God certainly never gives you knowledge for no reason. that very weekend i was put to the test.  discipline or allow the misconduct and wayward behaviour.  i decided it was enough warnings and discipline i did. since then i have had to get tougher, and i have heard that i am "extra", but i smile knowing that all these things are working together for my good as i do love the Lord!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

That's Who You Are by Claudia Robinson

Astonishing, astounding
Remarkable and staggering
That's who you are
Wonderful, Incredible
Startling and Undeniable
The Heavens declare the glory of God

The skies burst forth with your handiwork
You cannot be repressed or suppressed
Restrained, or stifled
You cannot be bottled up or muzzled
You are like fire
You God are fantastic

Out of this world
Simple yet complicated
Complex to the passive seeker
Revealed to the earnest
I seek you oh Lord
To know you,
Your wisdom, your love, your character

Defender of weak
Deliverer of bound
Despiser of the arrogant
Giver of grace to the humble

Matchless, and measureless
In wisdom in love
In mercy in grace in truth
You are truth

Incomparable to anything or anyone
I've ever known or will know
One and only Unique
Uncommon, yet dwelling in the common

Irreplaceable - there is none like you
Exceptional, Lord you blow my mind
Words are not sufficient to describe
You are incredible, amazing,
Awesome wonderful

Oh God that’s who you are

Monday, June 4, 2012

Success is

I had the opportunity to be at a Career Mentoring programme this past Saturday where I heard two speakers that were amazing.  One in particular had me scrambling for a paper surface that I could take notes.  His name is Deshawn, a young man still looking like he has baby's milk on his mouth. Yet no man should despise his youth, for his words were anything but child like.  He was prepared and inspiring.  He was mature and albeit nervous, able to speak to room full of strangers to encourage his peers and their parents to look towards better. 

I was inspired by his words and even now days after, I am still very much pensive about it.  He spoke about himself as he told the audience that each person has to define success as it is to themself.  He said the Man in the mirror is the one that determines what it is that they would consider to be their moment of success.  He said he thought it meant having lots of money and working in a job or carreer that was main stream.  However, after many years and money wasted he went back to his passion of english and reading. 

This is where I began to nod in agreement.  I started to ask myself, what is success for me?  How do I define being successful?  Is it determined by what I do for a living? Is it defined by my back account balance? Am I a success and if so, or not, by what measurement? One of the things that Deshawn said was that we are not to stray too far from who we are in our pursuit of success.  So again I started to ask myself what I was passionate about...what was it that was as much apart of my DNA as the blood in my veins?  Was I living out my passion?  He also said that success is happiness...if you are a doctor and miserable are you then successful? 

Friends, this is to inspire you to redefine success by what makes you happy, even if it is hard work, and even if you still dont have millions. It is to cause you to reflect upon your life and see if you are walking in the God given gifts you have been given.  You know that thing that you do, because it is just who you are?  You know that passion that burns even though it may be covered by life and responsibilities and expectations outside of your own making? 

Please, take this time to seriously and truthfully define success to yourself...success is whatever you and God define it to be.

I will follow you Lord...but

 I read this passage taken from Luke last night from my Oswald Chamber's devotional. I was once again amazed at how God connects the dots for me. You see, just a few minutes earlier the same message was taught in my bible study class. It's the lesson of obedience. If you are already squirming then I know I am in good company.  I too felt convicted. Whenever I hear that word I immediately start twitching in my seat.  I began to think of the endless things I have not done, while still praying "God use me!"  How patient He has been with me. I am the one loudly singing I Give Myself Away, and yet I realize I have had many conditions on the gift of myself.  God I will give myself away just not during this time frame and not to that person (s), and only if it is easy and and and...the list seems endless.

I am transparent here because I think it is needed in order to move past this.  This is not how I want to spend my life. I sound exactly like my 17y/o son who has a bag full of buts and reasons why he cannot do something I think he can and should.  I dont want to spend my life, giving God reasons, or worse yet deceiving myself that I am obedient when I am only partially so..which equates to not at all. Remember Saul?  Isnt that what he did when he went into battle against the Amalekites?  God told him to kill all and instead he spared the king and some of the best livestock?  Oh boy, was he ever in trouble!  Yes, God is not the God of Halves...he really is into the whole.  Remember He is the God of excellence and as His children, He expects that from us...we should expect it from ourselves.

I will follow you Lord,  no more buts.  This is the new mandate by which we should live.  No more conditions, no more excuses, no more wasting time trying to tell God what you think He should do.  I am certainly ready for the rewards of obedience to Christ.