Tuesday, June 5, 2012

That's Who You Are by Claudia Robinson

Astonishing, astounding
Remarkable and staggering
That's who you are
Wonderful, Incredible
Startling and Undeniable
The Heavens declare the glory of God

The skies burst forth with your handiwork
You cannot be repressed or suppressed
Restrained, or stifled
You cannot be bottled up or muzzled
You are like fire
You God are fantastic

Out of this world
Simple yet complicated
Complex to the passive seeker
Revealed to the earnest
I seek you oh Lord
To know you,
Your wisdom, your love, your character

Defender of weak
Deliverer of bound
Despiser of the arrogant
Giver of grace to the humble

Matchless, and measureless
In wisdom in love
In mercy in grace in truth
You are truth

Incomparable to anything or anyone
I've ever known or will know
One and only Unique
Uncommon, yet dwelling in the common

Irreplaceable - there is none like you
Exceptional, Lord you blow my mind
Words are not sufficient to describe
You are incredible, amazing,
Awesome wonderful

Oh God that’s who you are

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