Monday, June 4, 2012

I will follow you Lord...but

 I read this passage taken from Luke last night from my Oswald Chamber's devotional. I was once again amazed at how God connects the dots for me. You see, just a few minutes earlier the same message was taught in my bible study class. It's the lesson of obedience. If you are already squirming then I know I am in good company.  I too felt convicted. Whenever I hear that word I immediately start twitching in my seat.  I began to think of the endless things I have not done, while still praying "God use me!"  How patient He has been with me. I am the one loudly singing I Give Myself Away, and yet I realize I have had many conditions on the gift of myself.  God I will give myself away just not during this time frame and not to that person (s), and only if it is easy and and and...the list seems endless.

I am transparent here because I think it is needed in order to move past this.  This is not how I want to spend my life. I sound exactly like my 17y/o son who has a bag full of buts and reasons why he cannot do something I think he can and should.  I dont want to spend my life, giving God reasons, or worse yet deceiving myself that I am obedient when I am only partially so..which equates to not at all. Remember Saul?  Isnt that what he did when he went into battle against the Amalekites?  God told him to kill all and instead he spared the king and some of the best livestock?  Oh boy, was he ever in trouble!  Yes, God is not the God of Halves...he really is into the whole.  Remember He is the God of excellence and as His children, He expects that from us...we should expect it from ourselves.

I will follow you Lord,  no more buts.  This is the new mandate by which we should live.  No more conditions, no more excuses, no more wasting time trying to tell God what you think He should do.  I am certainly ready for the rewards of obedience to Christ.

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