Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flirting with Temptation

Flirting with temptation

I am frightened for myself
I am fearful of me
I am afraid to open my eyes
I am terrified of the things I see

I know that this is a trap
I know that the end is destruction
I am dancing with the desires
I know its source is from the dark

I have been here before
I am familiar with this scene
I have spoken and heard
I have already seen the end

I wonder why every time
I fall at the same spot
I seem to loose my senses
I become blinded and misguided

I need help Jesus
I need someone to rescue me
I am incapable of helping myself
I am weakened and desperate

I am sending up an SOS
I am doing this while I can
I am not promising the next second
I need you Jesus please help me

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