Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hope in Christ will not disappoint

Today is a good day. God has shown Himself strong, once again. Where do I begin? I guess there is no other place but the beginning. As such, let me shout out that God is still stretching forth His hands of healing. Remember my friend in the hospital with cancer?

Let me remind you of her story.  About two or three weeks ago, she was admitted to the hospital; confused, unresponsive and at the brink of death. At this, the doctors determined that she was not even admissible to ICU. They put her (without the family's approval) on DNR. They told them that surely she would die that night; the next day; or perhaps the next. She didn't die, and has even now improved! The beauty of this is that all credit has to be given to God. Why?

The doctors have ceased giving her any treatment. They deemed her palliative three weeks ago, but today she can swallow, and she said hi. She woke up, and now she speaks and eats. We celebrated that she could swallow apple sauce and pudding! God is a good God!

 Maybe you are a skeptic, and your response is so what? Well, wait and see the glory of God. You will not be disappointed. I remember reading the verse from the book of Romans that said that our sufferings build character; character builds perseverance ; perseverance produces hope, and hope does not disappoint! When we hope in God, we will not be let down; we will not be put to shame.

However, things take time. This brings me to today. Today, after 8 months, I can say out loud, it is finished! My family has walked through a long and winding path, waiting for the end of a matter. Today, it has ended. Today, the weight that threatened to crush us, has been lifted from our shoulders.
We were accused, but God's mercy said No! Therefore we sing, this is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice in it!

Time; it took  a lot of time, but yet it did not tarry; just at the right time our answer came about. We give all priases to God.  My Mom has forever told us that a leaf that falls from a tree into water, will not turn brown on that day, but as it becomes subjected to time, the colour changes. 

So be patient; your miracle could be instant as well as it may take three months or more. I dont know.  BUT I WILL  encourage you to wait patiently, hoping in Christ Jesus, For we know that hope in CHRIST  will not disappoint! (Romans 5:2-5; Romans 12:12; Romans 15:13)

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