Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What should Christians do on Halloween?

It is that time of year again, Halloween or Day of the Dead.  What should we as Christians do?  Do we compromise what we believe in just to dress up and eat sugary sweets?  Do we stand up and say No, I celebrate Christ and not anything that supports evil and wickedness? 

I find that most times as Christians we sell out and conform because of lack of knowledge. Indeed, the people perish because of lack of knowledge.  I know I have never in my life celebrated this particular holiday, but for me I never really could articulate why. As a teacher for kids under 13 in church, the questions came every year and my answers often sounded flat and unconvincing even to myself.  My persuasiveness stemmed from my ignorance on the matter.

I have challenged myself this year to find out more; to be less ignorant of the facts and strengthen my convictions.  I have determined to stand up even at work, when we have grown people walking around in Devil and Death Costumes unaware as to what they are inviting into their lives.

In response to an email I wrote, my friend sent me this about her own Halloween stance:

My family also does not celebrate Halloween. When asked by unsuspecting adults what costume they will be wearing for Halloween, both my kids answer that they do not celebrate Halloween. If pressed as to why, they say that that it is because they are Christians. A few years ago, when my 9-year old was in SK, he told the teacher that he is a Christian who worships God not ghosts. I was really proud of him that day.

Yes, they still wheedle to try and do "something" Halloween. They would ask if they can dress up in some "harmless" costume, they would bring home pumpkins from school field trips, or will ask if they can give/accept candy. I treat every situation as it arises:
·        Costumes: NO,
·        Pumpkin: we keep it as a decorative fixture inside the kitchen, until it is time to cook it! Maybe I will carve a cross next year.
·        Candy: "no"

It is a struggle to keep our kids on the right path, but it helps if other Christian parents actively stand up for our beliefs and not send their kids to school in costumes, and not participate in the hype.

God bless you and thank you for sharing.

Keisha Stephenson

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