Monday, May 13, 2013

He is the Source and I am the Re-source

I have to first admit that I didn't think of my subject line.  Pastor W. Lewis from The Word Inc. sent out an email to the church and this was in it.  It grabbed my attention, and for a long time, I simply sat and soaked those words in "He is the source and I am the re-source".  I loved it.  I love that it reminded me that everything that I am able to do, is because of Him. I love the idea that I am a supply for others to use and I am replenished by my heavenly Father.  For me, I could once again see myself as Paul did, a drink offering being poured out completely for His glory.  I love it because it points to the One of whom all praises and glory and honour is due.  I love it still, because it reminds me that like the moon, my purpose is to reflect the Son (sun).

While I pondered all this and more, my gaze fell to the tree outside my office window.  God knows why he allowed me to have that seat, (coveted by all the others and yet was assigned just for me).  That tree has been used time and time again as an object lesson in God's teaching sessions with me. If you love nature then you would absolutely understand my excitement about a brown bark and green leaves.  I looked at the tree and immediately I was reminded that when I am connected to the source, I will be like a tree that is planted by the water.  I will have leaves that never wither. I will bear fruit in season.  I will prosper in all I do. (Psalm 1:1-3)

God has to be our Source otherwise we labour in vain.  The Psalmist said "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain" Psalm 127:1.  Let us allow God to pour into us and use us for His purposes, pleasure and glory!

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