Monday, May 13, 2013


It appears that I have been away for much longer than I thought.  So many things have happened; so many things have changed and even now is changing, and will continue to change in the days ahead.  The company that I work for was bought out recently.  Change. 
We are seeing yet again, the changing of power from one CEO to another.  This change has brought with it the usual anxiety and stress that comes with uncertainty.  Many of my co-workers are wringing their hands and feeling overwhelmed and distressed.  If I had more adjectives to describe the general atmosphere I would continue, but I believe you get the picture. 
Changes are never usually easy for some, and yet there are others that will embrace this with enthusiasm and rise to the new challenges and opportunities. 

How do I feel?  Well, there is a peace that I have come to know and it is found in Jesus.  Chris Tomlin sings a song that says it perfectly for me "Though my heart and flesh may fail.  There's an anchor for my soul, I can say it is well." (I will rise).  I echo those words, "it is well" concerning me.  My boss did tell me that I should dust off my resume and begin to see what my options are, but I still believe it is well.  God provided this job for me and I trust Him to provide for me yet again.  His riches in glory is still more than enough to supply all my needs.

In the mean time, I have asked God to use me like an arrow to point others to his son, Jesus Christ.  I want my days ahead to count, as I stay anchored in my unchanging God.

I want you to know that you can have that peace and stability in Christ as well.  While changes are inevitable, God's covenant of peace remains.  Don't forget what He has said through the prophet Isaiah, "My plans will stand....I will do all that I intended".

Be assured that His promises are certain, stable and will be fulfilled!

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