Thursday, May 30, 2013

I won!

Before I go any further, let me tell you that I was placed second in the talent show competition.  However, that is not what mattered.  I am more amazed at how God showed Himself strong and did what I know was not me but Him.  He touched the hearts of those that heard in a way that was supernatural.

I came into work the following day and was greeted my co-worker's warm embrace.  She said with great enthusiasm "You won!"  I replied with a smile, "No I didn't.  I came second."  In my mind I thought she misunderstood the results yesterday.  She looked at me and said "No. You won already."

I knew then that her statement was confirmation of what God wanted me to know.  I won. 

Throughout the day, several others told me that they felt chills, they were brought to tears, they were encouraged and they were all filled with gratitude.  They all seemed more at peace, less anxious and more motivated. 

Now I know, that my singing is not what you would call a professional.  My 18y/o have asked me on several occasions not to sing so I am well aware that I am not Yolanda Adams.  Yet, God can use any one willing to be an instrument in His hand.   

His spirit was what gave them chills; held their hearts; calmed their fears and gave them the message of yes you can.  Did I win?  In Him I did, yes I did.  I will say as Paul the apostle did, Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph!


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