Sunday, May 26, 2013

It's so hard to say goodbye

This morning I went to church and received the news that my Pastor's daughter had passed away.  I missed one Sunday and felt like I was slapped in the face and then run over by a truck.  I felt a sadness wash over me, even as I sat in my seat with unrestrained tears.  She was my daughter too even though I never met her once.  I was one of many that prayed for this daughter of KRT.  I was one of many that will have to say good-bye and realize yet again, that it is so hard to do that.  It was the final chapter, and praying for her was no longer necessary.  She is now present with the Lord, being absent from her body.  It seems unfair, because I think she didn't get a chance to really live.  She didn't live long enough to marry, to work, to have children, to do what I think should have been her journey.  Yet, the plans God has for her has been fulfilled. 

I say this only because I know that He is God.  He is sovereign and we don't always understand His ways.  His word tells me that His plans will stand.  Yes, I hold on to it like a life line, and I need it now.  The temptation to say Lord, why have you forsaken us, as a church we prayed and believed.  Why did she have to die?  I don't know the answers to that.  However, I do believe that God's word has been fulfilled in the life that she did live, in the testimony that she lived out right to the end.  He knew her all along.  She was His daughter before being born to her parents, Jaimie and Michelle.  He formed her and knew her most inward parts. He has loved her all along and even now, his love surrounds her.

As I write this, I am so aware of all those who have lost loved ones.  I am aware that you are hurting beyond words and at times, it will seem unbearable.  For you, I pray that the God of all comfort will surround you.  I pray that even while the loss may be beyond your comprehension, that you will not loose faith in a God that loves you and yes, answers prayers.  He loves us so much, that only His best will He bestow unto us. 

Don't forget that even His own son died.  He endured great pain and suffering for us, for you, for me.  Jesus is well acquainted with our infirmities, he understands our sorrow and grief.  He extends to you His spirit to comfort and to heal you.

It is so hard to say goodbye, but just think one day we who are saved in Christ will be reunited with our loved ones in Christ who have gone ahead of us.

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