Thursday, July 11, 2013

It is time to Speak Up for our Children

As I looked over my last post concerning my son, I thought it appropriate to share this Mom's prayer for her son with you.  Her baby turned one this month and she is so excited. I remember that year my son turned one. He was still so sweet and innocent.  Back then, he was happy with simple things - life was good for him.  I remember how young I was as well. I was so idealistic - never seeing the clouds approaching and expected all his years to be blissful and sweet. 
But that is not the focus.  I love this prayer because it gave me the courage to speak up for my son. It gave me the words to refuse the declarations spoken over his life that were death and not life. I love it because it reminded me that I am the mother and I need to guard my son's future like a lioness protects her cub.  I need to say No to the words that proclaim him to be lost and defeated and instead declare that all is well with him and his future is good.  Can I get an AMEN? 
Parents, aunts and Uncles let us be determined to speak life and not death over our children.  Let us pray for them and trust God to work in their lives however He sees fit.  Let us not allow others or ourselves to curse them with our words and treat them with disdain.  Let us endeavour to be the parents God intended us to be for these precious gifts.  May you also be inspired by this young mom's prayer for her one year old as well.  Let us pray:
Dear Lord,

 What can eclipse the joy of this day? Only your love

What does the joy of loving a child teach us? Just how much you love us

Loving this child  is like a glimpse of glory.

I see now how much you really love us Lord

I imagine your love compared to my love for my child

I love him immensely, but you love us immensely times immeasurable


On his first birthday, I thank you for the privilege of this journey of motherhood

I thank you for the unique child who you have entrusted me with

I thank you for allowing me to share in your heritage

I thank you for allowing me to see your majesty; how a baby has grown and developed over a year


Over this baby (child), I pray many years of truly fruitful living in honor of you Lord

May he come to know you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

May he come to be called one of your sanctified sons,

May he worship you every day

May he serve you wholeheartedly

May he be spoken well of in the streets

May he have a long and productive life

May he use his gifts talents and abilities fully and to your glory

May he be always protected by you

May he have peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faith, and love always



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