Thursday, July 11, 2013

Piece It Back Together - Latoya Davis

Piece it back together

Piece it back together not because it's broken but because it's not whole

Piece it back together because peace roams but doesn't dwell

Piece it back together because your power is in no comparison to mine

Actually my power is non-existent without yours

Piece it back together to continue on the path your perfect plan

Piece it back together because every piece it hold belongs to you

Piece it back together because I know you to be the alpha and omega, the beginning the end

Piece it back together because everything that starts with you ends with you

Piece it back together because at your name every knee will bow and every tongue will confess

Piece it back together because all faith is in you that you can

Piece it back together because I know you to be of wholeness, fullness and one to complete the work the is said to be done

Piece is back together because the word you said tells me you will

Piece it back together because through your strips brings forth healing

Piece it back together because you are beyond good

Beyond amazing

Beyond outstanding

Beyond able

Beyond faithful

Beyond almighty

Because you are holy

Because you are worthy

Because all things through you are possible

Because all things through you are perfect

Because everything you touch transform

GOD I'm talking to you, God I need you

You, just you, yes you, only you

To pick up every scattered piece and bring forth wholeness

I need you to piece it all back together

So I can give all the glory to you

Thank you God, for claiming each piece, Amen.

Philippians 1:6

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