Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas To You

Today we did something we have never done before at my family's dinner party.  We listened to a sermon and then prayed as a family.  The morning began with the traditional family breakfast.  We ate and laughed a lot.  We were excited just to be together, and it was a time of enjoying the love of each other.  It was a gift in itself that we were all thankful to receive.

Dinner came with a grand spread of turkey, chicken, beef, salads, and other delights.  We saw faces we hadn't seen in years, had some new members (the more the merrier) and sat to enjoy the bounty of God's provision.  We played our games with the usual competitiveness and passionate disagreements.  We had fun, laughing and talking loud enough to resurrect Lazarus again from death.  It was after this that we changed the program.  My sister put on the hat of Reverend, and blessed us with a God inspired message.  Then she prayed for the families; marriages and the youth.  It was the right thing to do, and I believe with all my heart that God will honor her obedience.  He will also do the work in her and through her.  He will perform miracles in our lives.  He will make His face shine upon us and grant us His peace.

My friend, God's peace is given to you this day.  His peace surpasses whatever you thought it was before in any situation.  He has given you life today in the birth of his son.  His son is the reason for the season - give your heart to him today.

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