Thursday, December 26, 2013

Teach us to realize the brevity of life

I was reading through the book of Psalms and came across Psalm 90:12. It said "Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so we may grow in wisdom."  Immediately my mind began going through the list of people I have known that have died from one thing or another.  Life is brief, and yet we live as though we have forever. 

We think that there will always be a tomorrow.  So, we put off the things that ought to be done today until that infamous tomorrow.  What if tomorrow never comes?  What if this moment is all that we have left in this earthly life?  What if the chances we have to do the right thing, forgive, laugh, love, surrender to God, is right now because there is no tomorrow?  There is a song that the Winnans sing called Tomorrow and the lyric is "Tomorrow, I'll give my life tomorrow..." but tomorrow may be too late.

The Psalmist asks God to teach us to realize that this life is brief.  If we knew how little time we had, we would live our lives differently.  We would not procrastinate on things that were important.  We would appreciate the moments we do have.  We would treasure the gift of our lives.  We would be watchful over our words.  We would spend less time worrying and more time rejoicing.  We would bend our knees to Jesus Christ.  We would grow in wisdom.

Lord, teach us to realize that life is short and show us Lord how to live it.

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