Thursday, June 18, 2015

Faith the size of a mustard seed

Today I learnt something I never  knew  before.  I learnt about the mustard seed. Did you  know that the mustard  seed is only about  1-2mm in diameter?  That seed is able to grow in dry weather or wet weather.  It can grow in clay or sandy  soil.  It is drought resistant . It is resilient. It grows  way beyond what you would expect  from such a tiny seed.  It grows up to 20  feet high and wide. It is one of the smallest seeds  there is around. This seed is little  but it yields  much.
So it makes so much more  sense to me that Jesus  says to us in Matt17:20 that with faith the size of a mustard seed  we can say to the mountain move and it shall be moved.  We say to the mulberry  tree be pulled up and replanted in the sea and it will do it (Luke 17:6).
My friend faith doesn't need to be much to be effective.  Faith is able to grow in any circumstance. Faith in God is all we need to overcome.  Faith the size of a mustard seed; Not a whole lot but it is enough.
I tell  you  the truth  that your tiny  faith will grow as you use it more and more. Just like the mustard  seed grows into a tree,  so will your faith when  you activate it. Your faith will be tested. Don't forget  faith without work is dead.

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