Sunday, June 28, 2015

He that believeth shall live

I wrote this title as I gathered my thoughts to tell you some good news.  My sister Kal, whom you know has been off work due to medical problems, for the first time in years have been able to go away for a weekend. This was a great celebration because this day of joy was after a road marred with pain.

Friends a few Sundays prior she had a melt down. It caused her to cocoon into a shell that we have never seen before.  It was not a physical pain that we could medicate and make it go away.  It was the darkness of depression that kills people while they walk around.  She was there and we didn't know how to help her other than to pray.  We prayed and prayed some more because this was serious.  She was literally curled into a ball wishing to die even while there so much to be thankful for she just didn't know how. 

We prayed and we believe.  It was a matter of life and death and what was required was a miracle.  We prayed and we believed some more.  The days became weeks and it was looking like nothing would change. Then one day when we called in for a professional to come and see her she woke up.  She literally became alive and aware of life around her.  Time had moved on without her, life continued while she had paused. 

It was not a session that brought about the 180 degree turn about.  It was God.  He that believeth shall live my friends.  Do you believe?  Don't waiver friends.  Keep on believing in the awesome wonderful powerful God and live.

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