Sunday, June 28, 2015

God Has Not Forgotten

All of last week I have been soaking in those four words: God has not forgotten.  He has not forgotten me when I was rejected by others.  When I was put aside and didn't quite fit in, he never forgot me. He never forgot me even when I rejected Him. When I was the builder who rejected Christ, the chief corner stone, He didn't forget me.

He didn't forget me even as a mother would not forget her nursing child. He tells me that even if that were the case and she cast her child aside, He would never forget.  His love over me is infinite and everlasting.

So the question then is Have I forgotten?  Have you forgotten?

You have prayed.  You have waited, and waited and waited.  The days became weeks, that rolled into months, adding up to years.  The thing that you prayed for never came about and so now you have closed the door.  You have determined for yourself that it was never meant to be. You have reasoned it out and it is not even possible anymore in your eyes.  So you have allowed your once glowing faith to grow dim in this particular area and you have willed yourself to forget.

You forgot that spouse or child you have wanted to have because according to the time clock you are using it is now too late.  You have tossed in the garbage that dream to return to school because it is for young people and not you anymore.  You have chosen to kill the visions about the future you thought God was telling you about because it never came around in your timing.

Is this you?  I know it's been me.  I find comfort in God's word because I know for sure I am not alone.  Luke 5:5-25 recounts the story of Zechariah the priest, married to Elizabeth (Mary's cousin). God sent an angel after umpteen years to Zechariah (Pastor Z) to say that his prayer has been heard.  He was to sire a son.  You see they had been childless and both were now past the age of child bearing.  Yet God was saying that this prayer was heard.

Of course Pastor Z was in a state of unbelief.  How was this going to be possible?  Gabriel the angel muted him.  He silenced him to keep him from speaking death to the very thing that God was speaking as life.  I wonder if that may not be the case with most of us.  I cannot throw stones because my house is made of glass. It means that I am very much like Z.

My friends, this is not a story with a fairy tale ending. This is truth and it is written down for me and you today.  God has heard our prayers. He has not forgotten you or I.  We are imprinted upon His palms and cannot be erased.  He is going to fulfill His promises, whether you enjoy the wait or not.  You see friends, God's plans are always better than ours.  While Pastor Z just wanted a child, God gave him the forerunner to His very own son, Jesus Christ. He will always exceed your expectations of Him. 

Be encouraged and believe again for God has not forgotten you.

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