Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God is trustworthy

Yesterday morning, I came to work and pulled out my prayer journal with a definite purpose. I was going to pray for the people in my office who were still wondering about their future.  As I petitioned God on their behalf I felt that I should ask Him about me also.  I remember going to my closet aka washroom, and just saying to Him Lord whatever you have for me is what I want.  I didn’t know what that looked like but I wanted my heart to be ready to say yes to His will. I said Amen in agreement to His fulfillment of His plans in my life. 

 Before lunch, my boss came to me with an option. He said there is an option to work in the USA for you. It is not something he was telling everyone about but since I had lived there before, I may just fit into this culture better than most here.  He spoke and I listened, all the while talking to God about how surreal this all seemed.  My number one question was God, is this Your will?  Would you ask me to leave all that I know here in Canada and go by myself to the USA?  Would you ask me to leave my family and friends?  Would you do that God?  Yes. He would.  He asked Abraham to leave his father and go to a land that He would show him, a place he had never known before.  Ruth left all that was familiar to her to follow her mother-in-law to a land in which she was a foreigner.  He took Joseph from his home land into a place where he was a stranger.  My point is He can be the source even if I don’t see how it will work together for His purpose in my life, and my good.  However, I am so convinced that just as the bible says, He will fulfill his plans in our lives.


We really have to be open to His voice.  We have to trust the fact that God loves us so much that He will not give us something that will cause us to be defeated and destroyed. He will not go against His own word and promises to us.  He loves us too much to leave us the way we are – incomplete and imperfect. However, often times that requires change.


This reminds me of yesterday’s life lesson in God’s classroom. I poured some milk on top of a tea bag. The milk was cold and so nothing happened. The milk remained white and the tea bag kept all its essence. I thought then, its when we go through the heat of life that we are changed into something better.  When we go through fire we become refined. When God allows us to go through the trials we become better, stronger, wiser, kinder, and more sensitive to others as we are even more desperate for Christ.


I have lived in Jamaica, Florida and Canada.  Even before I knew Him, He has been the thread holding together the fabric of my quilted life. I will trust Him to help me work out the decisions of today that will impact my tomorrow.  He is trustworthy.   Something to chew on. J



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