Friday, June 28, 2013

This test is your storm - hold on

My soon to be 19y/o son informed me that he had bought himself a one way ticket to Calgary. He is leaving home – now. He told me this while I stood over my sister’s hospital bed and have been standing for the last 4 hours in ER.  Talk about timing.  His decision, good or bad, has left the family reeling. He has not discussed anything with us and the way he has chosen to go about it, has caused hurt feelings from those closest to him. 


I have had conflicting emotions about this whole thing.  I felt that I wasn’t able to lose my cool because my family members had already taken that route and I was left with the role of consoling and encouraging them.  I have felt annoyed that he chose now to do this when things are already so strained with one of our own being sick and hospitalized. I have felt hurt.  I felt that he was running away from the home I made for him.  I have felt resignation.  Today, after five days to process things, I feel God’s peace. 


God spoke over my son's life years ago, months ago, and weeks ago.  He knew this day was coming. He did not stand with limited eye sight, but He saw the end and yet He spoke.  He spoke life concerning my son, not death. He spoke promises of a good future, not curses.  He has my son.  His spirit and Hand remains as He has said – upon Him.  The great thing about God is that He doesn’t speak to hear himself speak. His word is His word, and it will not return to Him void. He will accomplish what He said. When he speaks he sees the end.  He knows all things. Yes, God’s plans for him still stands. Yes, God will work out those plans he has for his life Himself. God is not blindsided and is very much prepared. Already He knows the outcome even if we have no clue.


I know my sister is hurting from this, and as I sent her the lyrics from the song by TD Jakes Potter’s house choir I knew a moment of truth.  This test is your storm, but it won’t be long. Go through, hold on.  This is only a test, so what do I do?  I respond today believing that the promises of God are still true.




I have listened to you, I have heard your request,
I've come to tell you that it's only a test;
just hold on through your storm be strong,
just hold on, this test is your storm,
but it won't be long, go through, hold on.

Verse 2
So your daughter won't hear you,
your son could care less,
seems they've done all to hurt you, but it's only a test;
just hold on through your storm be strong,
and hold on, this test is your storm,
but it won't last long, go through, hold on.

(Don't you know the darkest time in your life is)
just before the break of dawn.
(All your battles I will fight if you just)
just hold on, hold on, hold on.

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