Friday, June 28, 2013

Not My Will Lord But Thy Will Be Done

It has been quite a journey for us.  Hmmmm.  That is more like a big sigh. 

My sister has ended up in the hospital.  I believe I have been documenting Kal’s journey with her health since it began, about two years and counting.  One week to the day, she and I just spoke about how her “break through” was coming soon.   I had taken her to the clinic for blood work and she got out of the car to a pain that was crippling – literally.  She couldn’t move and was in tears bent over on the side walk.  She couldn’t support her own body.  It was by God’s grace that the right people came along and we were able to lift her into the house. 

I knew that lifting her in and out of bed to use the bathroom was not the answer to the problem we now faced.  Monday was coming and with it – work. I was not going to be able to do this indefinitely. Something was wrong and we needed help.  So here we are today, one week later, at the hospital.  Friends, I realize something, man is limited. They don’t know everything and even with degrees, hours of practical training and big titles, their knowledge, our knowledge, is not infinite.  We are not able to see the big picture that includes every possible outcome from every possible choice. We make educated guesses – at best. 


A chiropractor came to see her yesterday. He breezed into the room with confidence and authority. He didn’t need us to tell him he knew his stuff, he told us himself. He said “By the way that I am talking you can see I know my stuff”.  He assured us that he had the best clinic, and was friends with the best surgeons. He had better contacts he said than most.  He certainly laid out for us his resume and qualifications.  He breezed out just as he came in – with confidence and authority. I could have applauded his performance – it was that good. Today, I sit and think that man is wise in his own eyes. 

There is a way that seems right to man, but the end leads to destruction.  Lord knows that we are not looking for that path.


It is with every fibre of my being that I am saying God, not my will, but your will be done.  Last night, I replayed the conversation in my mind.  I found myself awake often and there it would be again and again.  God, is this your will?  Is the guy that will be the change we need?  Will this bring Kal back to wholeness?


I don’t know, but I am confident that God knows.  We talk about trusting Him and this is our day to proof it.  Someone sang, I have no other choice but to trust Him.  I echo that line, I have no other choice, but more so, I am not looking for another option.  God is still God. He opens doors that no man can shut and closes those that no man can open.  His word is sharp and will not return to Him void. He said we are victorious, we are healed by His son Jesus Christ stripes, we are not alone for Lo, he with us always.


He said that we will hear a voice behind us saying this is the way, walk ye in it.  Today, we are listening for His voice to speak.  His will is our choice for Kal. Not my will Lord, but thy will be done.

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