Thursday, June 23, 2011

The day Summer Came - and went...

The calendar rolled around to June 21st, as it does every year (at least for the last thirty plus years I have been aware of it).  I heard the radio announcer mention that it was the first official day of summer.  I laughed to myself as again (and this felt like Deja Vu) I thought "Really?" I started looking for summer from the last day of April.  I have somehow convinced myself that May is a good month to bring out the sun, and all the summer attributes - warmth, bbqs and did I mention warmth.  I spend a good portion of winter, looking ahead to the day when snow is a distant memory and jackets are only in the closet - not on my back, arm or any other body part. 

As I stare through the glass window, not quite two days since summer's official start I feel chilled to the bone.  Rain drops dance along the parking lot, the clouds have covered the sun, the blue frame of the skies have literally turned to grey.  The effect is further compounded as cool air from the A/C blows from an unseen vent in the building.  Summer came and then it went - at least it seems that way to me.

I am tempted to say like my God-daughter "that's so sad", followed by great howls of pretend sobbing.  I wont, because in this there is a lesson.  Enjoy the moments God has given you. Every one counts and should be lived to it's maximum fullness. How many moments have I wasted in the winter, looking into the future and denying myself the gift of the present? This is the day that the Lord has made, I should rejoice and be glad in it.  Are you like me?  Do you wish away each day, hoping for a better tomorrow?  Do you keep your eyes so focused on the next thing, that the current becomes lost in the past? In everything there is balance.  Just as we should not focus only on the things gone, we ought not to focus only on things to come.  There is life in the right here and now.  Let us make a conscious effort as of this moment - to enjoy God's present of now.

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