Thursday, June 23, 2011

From the pages of Faith Five

The Lord Sees You 

My son and I were at the zoo earlier this month, celebrating his 19th Birthday. As we walked around, enjoying the different animals, we came up to a group of kids that were obviously with their teacher. As they gathered around her and as we approached, we could hear the frantic plea in her voice as she asked each child the same question, “What was he wearing this morning? Did he have his name tag on? Who was he walking with?”

Obviously she had misplaced one of her charges and in such a big place to get lost in, this was no laughing matter. I did feel compassion for her because unless that child was found and found quickly her whole day was about to turn into a nightmare.

But life is like that sometimes. We all have lost someone or felt that someone forgot us and that we were all alone dealing with our situations. Those who we thought would be there are just not there when we need them the most.

In Gen. 16:7-15, we see the encounter of Hagar, the Egyptian slave, running from her master's house and sitting by a spring in the desert. I can see her sitting there, feeling completely sorry for herself, pregnant with Abram’s child and being ill-treated by her mistress.

Now she is homeless tired and fed-up with being ill-treated by people who serve a God she knows nothing of. The child is growing and her future looks very bleak. Does anyone really care what’s going to happen to her? Depression and hopelessness wash over her like a tsunami. She may have wanted to kill herself and get deliverance from her pain. But the baby on the inside is moving and she cannot bring herself to end it all there.

Dear friends, if we are  truly honest with ourselves the best of us get weary of life's unfair deals and we sometimes entertain the thought to escape it at whatever cost. We have all thought at some point that this relationship has no future or the bills just never stop coming. Maybe it's that deep inner fear that speaks to you reminding you that you are not qualified to do what you think God has called you to do.

It is so easy for us to allow those negative voices to trip us up and keep us in a state of “Egyptian slavery”. But Hagar had to learn that it was not her who made her qualified. It was whose seed she was carrying.

The angel of the Lord came looking for her and found Hagar by a spring of water in the wilderness. I would like to remind you, dear friends, that the Lord knows where we are. He has no problem in finding your spot and ministering to you right where you need it. Hagar’s conversation with the Lord ends with her naming the Lord El Roi. It’s the only time in the Bible that the Lord is called El Roi, “The One who sees”.

Hagar’s God is the One who numbers the hairs on our heads and who knows our circumstances, past, present, and future.  When you pray to El Roi, you are praying to the One who knows everything about you.

Psalm 33:13-15:

From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all humankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth—he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.

Even the most watchful parent must sleep. But Scripture makes it clear that God never slumbers; never looks one way while we head off in another; he never misses a second of what is happening on earth.
El Roi, a God so watchful that He is said to note even when the smallest sparrow falls to the ground. This is the God who watches over you today, whether or not you recognize His presence. Aware that you may sometimes find yourself in desolate places, He is always near, helping you find a path through troubles, working out His plans for your future.

So rejoice, dear ones, I come to speak to you in the name of the Lord on the way to Shur and say, Fear not! Face that situation! Your God is with you and your future is not governed by others, but by a faithful all-seeing God.

My prayer for you: Dear Heavenly Father who is El Roi, the One who Sees all things and knows all things. We are never lost to your all-seeing eyes. May my brothers and sisters, who read this article be filled with hope in You that Your Almighty grace may rest upon them today. Help them to see you in the midst of every difficult situation and receive Your power to overcome in Jesus' Name. AMEN.

Apostle Anthony Nelson
Team Leader
Tel: (905) 427-7438

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