Sunday, June 19, 2011

Never Would Have Made It Without YOU!

I cannot help myself, I must tell you of how good God is to my family. Yesterday my sister spent from morning till night in pain.  She has purposed that she would not take any pain meds, as she would normally have done.  For years Kal has been on heavy narcotics because a back injury she sustained when she was a little girl.  But this time around, as she was doubled over with pain she wanted something much more than she did the relieve. She wanted her body back.  She had recently discovered that the meds she had been taking was a direct contributor to other ailments she had been suffering.  She had gotten all the side effects apparently, and was now determined to undo years of damage.  
I prayed silently every time I entered the room.    I could hardly stand to watch her suffer as she was, I was helpless.  But this is not about me, as much as it is about her.  She grind through the pain.  I sometimes found her on the floor, on the chair, on the bed searching for a position to ease her pain.  Tears squeezed from the corners of her eyes.  My heart broke for her.  
She moaned and the sound broke something inside me.  I think now of people who live in daily pain.  I feel for you.  I really do.  The closest I have come to that was when I had an ear infection that brought me to tears.  
So I watched on, offering soup and anything else I could give.
The day wore on and finally retired itself, giving way to the night.  It was then that the answers to prayer manifested itself.  She appeared once again to breathe without the labouring sounds of pain, straining every breath.  I went in and said, "You made it."  
Right on cue, the sounds of Marvin Sapp punctuated my sentence, "Never would have made it...without you!" I smiled, and felt myself choke up with unshed tears.  This was her favorite song, she listened that CD out.  Here it was playing from the TV, like the closing song to dramatic movie.  Never would've made it without You, he sang.  God was with her, and she made it. 

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