Thursday, June 9, 2011

In Loving Memory of Beverley Wilson

What would you do, if you still could? That is the question that my friend has written on her ALS page.  It begged of me an answer, to which I had none.  Where were all those ideas I had?  Where was my passion for life?

This walk-a-thon is in honour of a lady that had passion and vitality.  I remembered her love of a good joke.  Even when she could not speak with clarity she would laugh with gusto.  Bevie, as she was affectionately called, lived with ALS for more years than I thought possible.  And she lived. She didn’t curl up and die, but she orchestrated those around her and ruled her home from her bed.  I remember her husband coming in and asking her where some item was (and she was not mobile).  Sure enough, she was able to tell him just where to find it. I admit, I was marveled by her. How did she do it?

She encouraged people, planned parties, gave directions and kept her family centered. She was the nucleus of the family, the life of every-one’s party.  She was strong in character and so brave.  She faced her challenges with little complaint and up to the last moment of consciousness worshipped and praise the one true God.  

She remains today a heroine – for me and perhaps for you.

What would I do while I still could?  I would live like Bev Wilson, with passion and purpose. 

Give to this wonderful cause today, whether you knew her or not.  Give just because it may be the miracle someone else needs today.

A message from her daughter Danielle:


As many of you know, in 2008 I lost my mother, Beverley Wilson, to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease). This Saturday (June 11), I will be participating in the WALK for ALS to help find a cure for this disease. If you would like to make a donation, please use the link below or see me before Friday. All donations will go to the ALS Society of Ontario.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested in making a donation in memory of my mother.

Thanks for your time.

I’m participating in the WALK for ALS and I’d like to ask for your support.

ALS is a fatal neuromuscular disease with no known cure, cause or effective treatment. The WALK for ALS supports provincial ALS societies and their programs to help people with ALS and their families, and the ALS Society of Canada’s investment in breakthrough research…help and hope!

It is my hope that you will consider sponsoring me by making a secure online donation using your credit card. Click on the link below to donate now...

Thank you for your support!

P.S.  Here are some additional ALS facts:
* Two to three Canadians die of ALS each day
* Approximately 3,000 Canadians currently live with ALS
* In at least 90% of cases, ALS strikes individuals with no family history of the disease
* Between 5-10% have a familial form of ALS, devastating families for generations
* ALS can strike anyone, regardless of age, sex or ethnic origin
* While the usual age of onset is between 55 and 65, many younger people, often parents, are afflicted
* Nearly 90% of people with ALS died within 5 years of diagnosis. While some live longer, others die within a few short months
* ALS affects the whole family
* ALS is a costly disease - emotionally, physically, and financially.

For more information on how YOU can become a walker yourself, please visit

Take care.

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