Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly....

Today we celebrated my nephew's (2nd cousin really) birthday.  He turned 12 y/o today. He is as smart as a whip.  I have had the pleasure of watching him grow into a young man who is finally comfortable within himself (or getting much closer).  I was there when he gave his life to Jesus and have since seen him blossom.  I have spent years telling him about his beautiful mind - one of many gifts from God above.

We came together as a family to bless him with our words.  I am not sure when we started doing this, but it is now something of a tradition for us.  No-one will be able to say they did not hear the words I love you from at least one person in our family unit.  God has been doing wonders in us all.

But my purpose for today's entry was to talk about Psalm 1.  Today I was telling my cousin about her son who is away.  I was giving him advise about alcohol, don't drink.  She told him drink but don't get drunk.  While we disagreed about this, what came to mind was what the psalmist wrote about the counsel of the ungodly.  He says, don't walk in it.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.
Psalm1:1-2 (NKJV)

I thought about the verse for a long time after reading it.  I guess it was because he listed three different positions or activity: don't walk in their counsel, don't stand in their path and don't sit in their seat.  We do this everyday and so it was something I could visualize.  Walk. Stand. Sit.  I found that interesting as I imagined myself in each stage and what it meant in my world.  Don't move ahead in their advise as walking suggests; don't stay still in their way as standing implies; nor should I relax in their seat by sitting down. 

So today as my cousin gave me a long suffering look and rolled her eyes at me once again. I realized that we would never agree.  She thinks I am unrealistic and too uptight.  After all, drinking once or twice a month never hurt anyone.  I told her the drunkard man started off with one drink.  I am not here to discuss whether or not it is biblical to drink.  However, I will not walk, stand or sit in what she has deemed to be the right thing to do.  Of course, it opposes the views of the world and appears to them as foolish and old fashioned.  Yet, I will meditate upon the law of the Lord. My delight is in Him and His every word.   

Thursday, September 19, 2013

He Knows Me

If you had to write down 3 things you habitually do daily what would it be?  What is that something (s) that you do on auto pilot?  In my devotion time, the activity was to write down 3 habits.  Can I tell you that I could not find any off the top of my head?  I tried for over two hours to come up with a list of habits and could only find one – I drink tea at work in the mornings.  That was me scraping the bottom for something that seemed rather insignificant.

I have concluded one thing out of this exercise – I don’t know myself very well. I have been stumped through most of the activities in this devotional book, designed for me to look at moi (myself) and God's ultimate best.  However, almost every one of them has remained incomplete because I had no responses.  I didn’t know enough about me to effectively complete the exercises. 

I know, what I am saying makes no sense.  How can I not know my own self?  Data and Spok (Star trek) would say this is illogical.  I should know me, as I have been in my own company for the last 39 years and counting. So why is it that not even my own habits are coming to mind?  Why do I not know what I want to do?  Why am I puzzled the most about me?

I don’t know the answers to those questions.  However, I suspect that you may also find it hard to pin point certain things about yourself as well. It might have been easier to see someone else’s habits or ways but not your own. I am convinced that this deficiency in self-knowledge is not limited to me but inclusive of you and so many others. 

So I turned instead to someone who knows me like no other.  I wrote to Him earnestly this morning:
O Lord, I give my life to you.  I trust in you oh God.  Lord lead me by your truth and teach me your way.  Show me the right path to take and teach me your ways.  All day long I put my hope in you. (Based on Psalm 25).

It is not about whether I will ever fully know all about me, but it is enough to know that He knows me. It is enough to know that he will lead me and teach me and point out for me the right path to take. It is enough to know that when I can’t trust myself, that I can trust in Him and hope in Him all day long. It is enough to know that I am in Him, and He knows me.


Devotional Book: Becoming the Woman I Want to Be: A 90-Day Journey to Renewing Spirit, Soul & Body Paperback by Donna Partow


Monday, September 16, 2013

Thank You

I celebrated another birthday on September 14th.  I turned 39 years old and at times I feel all those years in my body.  Still I woke up feeling one thing only - thankful.  I was thankful for the life God had allowed me to live. I was thankful for the mistakes that taught me great lessons.  I was thankful for the laughs I have been given. I was thankful for my son, my family and my friends. I was thankful for the people that caused me pain, and through whom God taught me how to love and forgive just as He does for me.  I was thankful in more ways than I can put on paper, or type in this blog. 

You see, I have known so many others that are not here today. I know of those that would have been 39, just like me, but because of illness they are no longer on this side. They no longer live and breathe and move.  I know those that are younger, that are also no longer with us.  I know those that are older that have led full lives and have been laid to rest.  Yet, I am here and I am thankful.

I was able to wake up in my right mind. I was able to get out of bed with my own God given strength.  I was able to feel the sunshine and appreciate it's glorious beauty.  I was alive and well.  Thanks be to God who has blessed me so richly.

While you may have been quick to disregard my thanksgiving recitation, I hope you felt inspired to count your blessings. I hope you have quickly realized how much good you have it, in the midst of life's challenges and pain. I hope you have felt inspired to lift your eyes up to your Creator and to breathe out in prayer "Thank you".

Press on and do not yield

Philippians 3:13-15 “…13Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you;…”


My pastor has called for 21 days of fasting.  Last week was the beginning of week 1 with many more days to follow.  He sent us a verse encouraging us to continue in fasting and prayer.  The goal is to move from our ordinary relationship with God to the extra-ordinary.  I was struggling.  I love food and all who know me can attest to that fact.   I felt light headed and faint.  I thought to myself, how am I going to go through 21 days of this when I can hardly do a week?  I began to feel discouraged.

I responded to his email to thank him for his encouragement. I told him what I felt and his response was brief but powerful…Press on and do not yield. I saw it this morning and something inside of me clicked. Press on and do not yield.  So even as again I am feeling faint, I am not faint hearted. I know the goal and the prize.  I believe God for miracles in my life and those around me.  I need to press on.  Likewise you need to press on.

So join me.  Let us do as Philippians 3 says and forget the failures of yesterday and instead press toward the successes of today.  Let us adjust our attitudes to reflect our new stance and all the others that God reveals.  Let us Press on and do not yield!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Not By Might...But By His Spirit

On Sunday evening I had the honour of doing praise and worship at the church where Jesus found me and called me.  It was returning home in a way, as this was where I started singing.  I remember the trembling of my heart and everything else the first night I was to lead the worship solo.  Oh my goodness, I was so timid.  I was afraid to let go and I definitely did not deviate from the practiced list of songs I had.

Last Sunday evening, walking through the doors had my stomach churning in nervous anticipation.  I would have gladly sang back up, and not lead.  I didn't speak of it, because then my fear would have been even greater. I was weak and I prayed for God to help me. I knew that without Him I wouldn't be able to make it through.  As we gathered together in worship, let me tell you God did a marvelous work!  He took a bunch of people, who hadn't practiced, and for some of us, had never even met each other and brought about music and worship.  There was liberty and a flowing of the spirit that was bigger than any of us. 

I danced for the entire time and sang as the spirit of God led me to do. I let go of myself and my fears. I gave God my weakness and He did the work by His spirit.  I threw out my list and sang as directed.  I was in awe of Him.  I was in wonder. 
I want to encourage you to step out and do what God has called you to do.  He has given you the skills and the resources.  Yet, more than that, he has given you His spirit.  He will not leave you to sink into failure, but will take your little and make much.  Remember it is not by might, nor by power but by His spirit says the Lord. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You are not forgotten (Remembering Hanna and those children being abused)

Today I read an article about a couple that have been charged with the murder of their adopted Ethiopian daughter, Hanna Williams.  She was found dead in the back yard, having suffered malnutrition and hypothermia. Her body was bruised and her head shaved.
(Pictures from daily

I must tell you that I cried. I cried not only for her, but for so many others who even right this minute are being abused. She was only thirteen years old, defenseless and without a voice.  She like so many others suffer at the hands of evil.  I saw the faces of her torturers who were disguised as "parents" and felt no sympathy for them.  I know, maybe that is not the Christian response but this is in the moment.

My heart ached for this little girl and the others who have died before her and even now are dying every day.  God.

I feel helpless. So I asked God how can I help them?  How can I rise up and be an advocate for these children being abused daily?  I will speak. I will be observant.  I will write.  I will pray.

Will you join me?  Will you be a watch man for these children? Will you speak out and defend their rights to live?  Will you remember them?  Will you pray with me?

our hearts are full of sorrow for this little girl. Lord she has suffered at the hands of those that were supposed to love and care for her. We know also that she is not the only case.  All over this world children are being beaten, starved, molested and killed.  All over this world they are kids that have fallen through the cracks, muzzled by their circumstances.  Father, please rescue them. Father please bring them out of the darkness. Lord, their angels are always before you and I pray Lord that you will intervene in their lives. Send them help Lord. Lord send us, Father send me.

Lord, my heart breaks for them.  Please God, help them...shield them from the terror of the night.  Oh God, help us to not forget them but to remember them daily.

In Jesus' name,

Monday, September 9, 2013

What is your act of faith?

Today I sat in the lunch room and just enjoyed some time with God.  It was some of the best food I have had in a while and I ate it hungrily.  I asked Him how do I know that the things I have been praying over my son and nephew were answered?  How do I know that He has answered my prayer for their salvation?  How do I know he has answered my prayer for them to be free from addictions and sexual promiscuity?  How do I know that he has answered my prayer for them to be men of integrity and great valour?  How Lord, do I know that you have heard me? 

His answer seemed slow in coming because all I could hear was a silence in my mind.  At the moment I was going to disregard my own question, but then He spoke.  Now, just to clarify, His voice was not a thunderous sound, shaking the heavens and earth.  It was more like sentences streaming through my consciousness, that was not just my thoughts, but His words in response to my questions. It was a quiet voice in my inner being.  It was private and didn't disturb anyone else around me. 

My wonderful , merciful saviour said that I will know this by my act of faith towards them.  What would my act of faith be?  Love them.  Refuse to talk about their past with condemnation and silence those who do. He said come along side them as if they are who they are meant to be in the image of God. Tangible acts of love is what is needed.  Give them food when they are hungry. Prayerfully assist and encourage them, all the while believing that they are who God determined for them to be from before they were even a form in the womb.

God has already done all that needs to be done in their lives. The prayers have already been answered and I needed to walk in this knowledge. I needed to treat them as men of integrity and valour. I needed my response to them to be an act of faith. I needed to change how I saw them and spoke of them. I needed to really be persuaded in my own mind of the outcome God intends.  I needed my relationship with them to be that expression of love and faith, grace and mercy. 

I am putting this out there for you.  You the one that will read this because God directed you to this page.  I am asking you now, what is your act of faith? What is God asking you to do to show that you believe Him.  Faith without works is dead, but by your works we shall know that you have faith.

Pray, Believe and Receive!

I wanted to encourage each of you to stand strong in the Lord. I pray that he will strengthen you in your inner being by His spirit. I pray that you will grasp the full depth, width and height of His love for you!  I pray that you will understand the power that you have through Christ Jesus.

My pastor, Rev. Ron was talking about Spiritual Authority on Friday. He said "I took the Spiritual authority I had been given…" and that one sentence came to mind this morning. I was thinking about my situations/challenges and I got excited as I was reminded that I have the spiritual authority to crush the plans of the enemy. I marvelled again that our prayers avail much. Wow!

I can take authority over my home, over my life, over my circumstances.  Yes, things will happen. The bible did say that weapons will be formed, but they will not be able to prosper.  Often we stop there, without realizing that there is an action for us as well. Isaiah, a mouth piece of God said that " will be able to refute every tongue that accuses (rises up against) you...." (Isa 54:17)
Friends, you have the power to change things as a servant of the Lord.  God says he made everyone that wreaks havoc in our lives and he has given us the ability to crush their works.     

Friends let us not be shaken by our circumstances but let us endeavour to pray, believe and receive!

Isaiah 54

 15 If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing;
whoever attacks you will surrender to you.
16 “See, it is I who created the blacksmith
who fans the coals into flame
and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc;
17 no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord.

Mark 11:22-24

New King James Version (NKJV)

22 So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

Matthew 16: 15 – 19

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”