Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You are not forgotten (Remembering Hanna and those children being abused)

Today I read an article about a couple that have been charged with the murder of their adopted Ethiopian daughter, Hanna Williams.  She was found dead in the back yard, having suffered malnutrition and hypothermia. Her body was bruised and her head shaved.
(Pictures from daily mail.co.uk)


I must tell you that I cried. I cried not only for her, but for so many others who even right this minute are being abused. She was only thirteen years old, defenseless and without a voice.  She like so many others suffer at the hands of evil.  I saw the faces of her torturers who were disguised as "parents" and felt no sympathy for them.  I know, maybe that is not the Christian response but this is in the moment.

My heart ached for this little girl and the others who have died before her and even now are dying every day.  God.

I feel helpless. So I asked God how can I help them?  How can I rise up and be an advocate for these children being abused daily?  I will speak. I will be observant.  I will write.  I will pray.

Will you join me?  Will you be a watch man for these children? Will you speak out and defend their rights to live?  Will you remember them?  Will you pray with me?

our hearts are full of sorrow for this little girl. Lord she has suffered at the hands of those that were supposed to love and care for her. We know also that she is not the only case.  All over this world children are being beaten, starved, molested and killed.  All over this world they are kids that have fallen through the cracks, muzzled by their circumstances.  Father, please rescue them. Father please bring them out of the darkness. Lord, their angels are always before you and I pray Lord that you will intervene in their lives. Send them help Lord. Lord send us, Father send me.

Lord, my heart breaks for them.  Please God, help them...shield them from the terror of the night.  Oh God, help us to not forget them but to remember them daily.

In Jesus' name,

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