Monday, September 9, 2013

What is your act of faith?

Today I sat in the lunch room and just enjoyed some time with God.  It was some of the best food I have had in a while and I ate it hungrily.  I asked Him how do I know that the things I have been praying over my son and nephew were answered?  How do I know that He has answered my prayer for their salvation?  How do I know he has answered my prayer for them to be free from addictions and sexual promiscuity?  How do I know that he has answered my prayer for them to be men of integrity and great valour?  How Lord, do I know that you have heard me? 

His answer seemed slow in coming because all I could hear was a silence in my mind.  At the moment I was going to disregard my own question, but then He spoke.  Now, just to clarify, His voice was not a thunderous sound, shaking the heavens and earth.  It was more like sentences streaming through my consciousness, that was not just my thoughts, but His words in response to my questions. It was a quiet voice in my inner being.  It was private and didn't disturb anyone else around me. 

My wonderful , merciful saviour said that I will know this by my act of faith towards them.  What would my act of faith be?  Love them.  Refuse to talk about their past with condemnation and silence those who do. He said come along side them as if they are who they are meant to be in the image of God. Tangible acts of love is what is needed.  Give them food when they are hungry. Prayerfully assist and encourage them, all the while believing that they are who God determined for them to be from before they were even a form in the womb.

God has already done all that needs to be done in their lives. The prayers have already been answered and I needed to walk in this knowledge. I needed to treat them as men of integrity and valour. I needed my response to them to be an act of faith. I needed to change how I saw them and spoke of them. I needed to really be persuaded in my own mind of the outcome God intends.  I needed my relationship with them to be that expression of love and faith, grace and mercy. 

I am putting this out there for you.  You the one that will read this because God directed you to this page.  I am asking you now, what is your act of faith? What is God asking you to do to show that you believe Him.  Faith without works is dead, but by your works we shall know that you have faith.

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