Monday, September 16, 2013

Thank You

I celebrated another birthday on September 14th.  I turned 39 years old and at times I feel all those years in my body.  Still I woke up feeling one thing only - thankful.  I was thankful for the life God had allowed me to live. I was thankful for the mistakes that taught me great lessons.  I was thankful for the laughs I have been given. I was thankful for my son, my family and my friends. I was thankful for the people that caused me pain, and through whom God taught me how to love and forgive just as He does for me.  I was thankful in more ways than I can put on paper, or type in this blog. 

You see, I have known so many others that are not here today. I know of those that would have been 39, just like me, but because of illness they are no longer on this side. They no longer live and breathe and move.  I know those that are younger, that are also no longer with us.  I know those that are older that have led full lives and have been laid to rest.  Yet, I am here and I am thankful.

I was able to wake up in my right mind. I was able to get out of bed with my own God given strength.  I was able to feel the sunshine and appreciate it's glorious beauty.  I was alive and well.  Thanks be to God who has blessed me so richly.

While you may have been quick to disregard my thanksgiving recitation, I hope you felt inspired to count your blessings. I hope you have quickly realized how much good you have it, in the midst of life's challenges and pain. I hope you have felt inspired to lift your eyes up to your Creator and to breathe out in prayer "Thank you".

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