Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Not By Might...But By His Spirit

On Sunday evening I had the honour of doing praise and worship at the church where Jesus found me and called me.  It was returning home in a way, as this was where I started singing.  I remember the trembling of my heart and everything else the first night I was to lead the worship solo.  Oh my goodness, I was so timid.  I was afraid to let go and I definitely did not deviate from the practiced list of songs I had.

Last Sunday evening, walking through the doors had my stomach churning in nervous anticipation.  I would have gladly sang back up, and not lead.  I didn't speak of it, because then my fear would have been even greater. I was weak and I prayed for God to help me. I knew that without Him I wouldn't be able to make it through.  As we gathered together in worship, let me tell you God did a marvelous work!  He took a bunch of people, who hadn't practiced, and for some of us, had never even met each other and brought about music and worship.  There was liberty and a flowing of the spirit that was bigger than any of us. 

I danced for the entire time and sang as the spirit of God led me to do. I let go of myself and my fears. I gave God my weakness and He did the work by His spirit.  I threw out my list and sang as directed.  I was in awe of Him.  I was in wonder. 
I want to encourage you to step out and do what God has called you to do.  He has given you the skills and the resources.  Yet, more than that, he has given you His spirit.  He will not leave you to sink into failure, but will take your little and make much.  Remember it is not by might, nor by power but by His spirit says the Lord. 

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