Saturday, July 27, 2019

This is the way, walk in it

Isaiah 30:21
"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying "This is the way, walk in it" whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left."

My grandma is 90+ years and she sometimes has trouble remembering some things.  She gets impatient when she wants to things and she is not allowed because we don't trust her to do it.  often times it will be her deciding she has had just enough of being away from her house and she is ready to return home.  I often chuckle to myself when I hear the conversation repeat itself another weekend at my house between her and my mom.  It will go a lot like this;

Mom: "Mama where are you going?"

Gran:  "I am going to my house"

Mom: "Who is going to take you?"

Gran: "I'm going by myself"

Mom: "How are you going to get there?"

Gran: "I'm going to walk"

She would then get her shoes on and go out the door.  Here is where it breaks down.  She wants to go home but she doesn't know how to get there.  She needs someone to tell her where to go.  She needs a voice behind her saying "Mama, this is the way walk in it."

Isn't that what we are like sometimes?  We have a destination in mind.  We say with no apology Heaven is my home and I am going there.  However just like my grandmother, we need help.  We can't get there on our own.  We need the direction of Holy Spirit in our lives.  He will lead the way.  There are those that believe that they can get to Heaven without Jesus.  That is a tragic error.  Jesus is the only way.  He is the Way the Truth and the Life.  Without Him there is no other way to Heaven, to the abundant life and promises of God.

I am grateful to God who will not leave us to perish.  He takes care of His own.  When we go off course He re-routes us to the way.  He points us to the right way.  Often I am the one that He chases behind as I am off on my own tangent - doing my own thing.  It is true, men will do what is right in their own eyes.  I know I have done that.  Oh but His grace truly does abound in my life and yours as well. You are here today by grace and mercy for I know without doubt that none of are blameless.

He is the voice behind you and I say turn around to me again.  Come this way son or daughter. He is our compass of right and faith and truth. HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE indeed.  Open your ears to hear His voice loved one.  He beckons unto to you and I right now.  Harken unto Him and do not resist.  Repent and return to Him.  Walk in the way He has set before you and it will lead you home.

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