Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All the single Ladies...

Hold on.
It is not your battle to fight alone - rather it is God's to keep and preserve you.
Stand firm in the liberty where Christ has made u free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
There is selected for you and only you - a great man of God.  His love you will recognize, for he loves you as Christ loves the church.  Saturate yourself with the word of God.  Be not conformed to the ways of this world. Stand and again I say Stand.
Know ye not that your body is the temple of God?
Your body holds Jesus' spirit. 
Your body - inside of you there is power.
You are not alone, even as you sit alone.
For Lo I am with you always say God.
 T he mandate of the Devil is to kill steal and destry. I declare today that he will not get you!  You are a "son" of God; You are a joint heir with Christ. You are seated in heavenly places above those principalities that you are wrestling against!
My dear friend, be encouraged today.  God knows the desires of your heart and he will grant them even  as you delight yourself in him.  Be of great courage and good cheer, your heavenly Father has said that no good gift will He withhold from you - walk upright and diligently serve him
I want a companion also. I want someone that will be the Priest in my home and be my "Adam" as I am his "Eve". Someone that was made for me and I was made for him; where we compliment each other in every way. Someone who will know how to pray when the Devil tries to break us apart or destroy our marraige. Someone who will raise his voice before Abba Father, and be so sensitive to the spirit of God that as he speaks I will listen as Sarah did Abraham.
Hold on my sister.  It wont be long.  Speak to your body - it is ruled by the spirit. Tell the flesh to lie down.  Feed the spirit.
Until the next time - be of good courage and great cheer. They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength!

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