Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Time to choose

There comes a time in everyone's life
When a choice needs to made
To do right or do wrong
I have not always been
The emblem of perfection
I have not always chosen
The road that's been less travelled
But today I face that moment
DO right or do wong
I have to make a decison
Knowing it will determine
My tomorrow
Inside I am torn
Knowing the truth
But accepting very little
Impatient with my destiny
Anxious for my blessing
Even though this may kill me
I may even be alone
I choose from today
To go the way of Christ
Now that I have said it
I hope you understand it
This way is ultimately better
Eternity will be sweeter
It tears me up just the same
To choose the right and not the wrong
My flesh still hungers and sometimes aches
But my spirit has to be stronger
So this for me is my choice
To stay away from that broad way
Choosing instead this narrow path
In Christ forever standing

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