Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I qualify for the Blood

I laughed yesterday because I was amazed at how things are. 
I tell u this battle to remain holy and blameless before God is at times difficult.
This morning as I again came before God.  I was at a loss for words...i know that is hard to believe. 
The morning preceeding I was shouting and chanting down Babylon. I felt close to God and unashamed in his sight. Today I wanted to run and hide away from His presence.  He is holy and as such he expects us to be holy.  I felt tainted and blemished before Him.
It took all that I remembered and the Holy Spirit that kept telling me the Blood.
God sees me through the blood.
I felt that I could not pray because sin was in my life.  I heard one voice saying the prayer of a righteous man avails much but you are not righteous. I was ready to believe and close my mouth forever.  I thought this is awful - I have so many people that I have been praying for (you have been among those people) and now look at what I had done.  But thank God, he told me that it through Jesus' blood that He sees me before Him as righteous.
Last night before sleeping, my son said "I am clean in Jesus name".  This morning I remembered it and I smiled to myself.  I echoed those words, I am clean in Jesus' name. He needed a shower and did not want to do it. I needed to be cleansed and I did not know how to do it.
I am clean in Jesus name I said again.
Yes I messed up. I tried to do good, and instead did wrong....but I am clean in Jesus name.
Why do I tell you this?
Because at some point we make mistakes. We have the best of intentions. We are looking upward, moving closer, gaining higher heights, deeper depths and then CRASH!
But the thing is - get up!   Get Up! 
I read Thesalonians, Timothy and Revelation in search of something to appease my aching soul this morning.  ALl that I saw at first had me in tortured thoughts.  Live holy. Live blameless.  But then I saw it - Christ will do it for us.  He will help us.  The battle is not for our strength.  It is only in Him and through Him that we will be blameless and holy.
It is coming together for me as I write these lines to you.  It is Christ.  We are but dust says James.  We are but dust.
As you continue on your path to do for God....allow Him to be your strength.  And for when your best becomes your worst - be not discouraged and forlorn.  He is still your advocate and kinsman redeemer!

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