Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Have you ever...?

Have you ever heard a voice inside your head that sounded like you but the words were even beyond your own level of maturity?

Have you ever had a feeling that wouldn’t go away until you did a deed bathed in an inexplicable peace?

Have you ever delighted in a word and was moved to tears by its revelation to you?

Have you ever just allowed yourself to be available for use by the creator of Heaven and Earth?

Have you ever just stopped for a moment and listened to the heart of the person next to you?

Have you ever…?

I could go on and on as my mind runs through varying scenarios I have experienced time and time again. Last night for example, I heard a friend who jokingly spoke of things happening to them.  I “LOL” right back, but God allowed me to see the heart of the matter.  I could have ignored Him, I could have reasoned it out and concluded several things – it’s late, I still have reading for school, it is way past bed-time, etc.  But thank God I didn’t.  The blessing was not just for my friend, but for me.  He told me to bring food.  Not in the worldly sense of course – but verse after verse we read through the bible…eating hungrily from its pages.  Confession of sins – yes one to another; Hard to do but accomplished in humility and love.  We Prayed.  Who was it that coined the phrase Pray until something happens?  Well, something did happen.  A breakthrough was attained…God spoke, answers given, light dispelled darkness, directions were given, notes taken and doubt cancelled.

I suppose I wanted to tell you that obedience is better than sacrifice. You have been at a standstill and it is not because you are waiting on God. You have lost sight and fear has immobilized you. You have become distracted searching for answers to the wrong questions. You have been blinded by your own needs that the needs of others are muffled beneath your own cares and desires.

Today if you will hear his voice Harden not your heart as in the days of the rebellion.  Today is your chance to make a difference, to avail yourself to the one who is able to make the moon reflect the sun. Today is your day to live a life that includes more than you.  

Listen. Do you hear that?  God is speaking.

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