Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A question

What are you afraid of?  Have you ever thought that the same thing that drives is exactly what terrifies you?  While driving into work I listened to Charles Stanley.  He talked about dealing with fear - and using meditation of the word as a tool.  In conjunction with Praise it is sure to alleviate your fears.
But the question that I asked of myself and now you is what are ou afraid of?  It is not of God, yet we all have fears.  David feared and he confessed them before God. Paul feared and he was honest of this weakness and also told others of it.  Being honest with yourself and God about your fears is the first step. We may deceive ourselves into thinking that we Fear nothing, but that is a lie. 
Expose your fears to the one who can get rid of them.
I was surprized at the list I came up with, and I believe the Holy Spirit revealed them as I was ready to get rid of them.  Fear of poverty, failure, exposure of past sins, singleness, etc.  Those are a few of mine.
So what are yours?  Dont be afraid.
Be Bold
Be strong
For the Lord thy God is with thee
Be not dismayed
Be not afraid
For the Lord thy God is with thee

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