Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Captivating Lesson: Opening up to the Romancer

The last time I spoke about discovering that every woman some where inside of them wants to be romanced.  Did I tell you that I sat and watched The Last Mohicans after I posted that?  It was with different eyes that I saw all the characters, each playing such a defined role of masculinity and femininity.  A man motivated beyond his own strength by the love of his woman. Wow!  But today, I want to draw your attention in a different direction.  I want you to look up; see beyond that physical being of testosterone and muscles.  See instead beloved, the Romancer of the most sincere and genuine stock - God Himself.  God not only knows of our desire to be romanced, but He himself desires to romance us.

Now if you are like me just a tiny bit, you may find the idea of God being your Lover a little uncomfortable at first, maybe even a little weird. You maybe  inclined to stop reading and shake your head at what I am saying. But I urge you to continue with me, I assure you I am heading somewhere good with this.  Don't shut your heart down but listen (read):  "...God says he is our Lover (our bridegroom, our Fiance), and we his bride.  That is the pinnacle , the goal of our redemption...and the most intimate and romantic of all.  If you'll open your heart to the possibility, you'll find that God has been wooing you ever since you were...little..."Captivating, Eldredge. 

For me, that was something that caused me pause. I literally had to put the book down and think about it some more.  God as my Lover; wooing me; romancing me.  What exactly did this look like in my world.  He knows my heart for sure and the things that causes me to be excited or smile with glee.  He has known me for so long and yet here I was unaware of all that He has done for me.  I started looking for his "chocolates and flowers".   "This romancing is immensely personal...scripted for your heart....  We have missed many of his notes simply because we shut our hearts down."Eldredge.  I wanted to open my heart and my eyes to the Romancer.

It was some time later, having read this chapter in the book weeks before, that I looked up and saw his gift to me.  Even now I cant help but smile as I think on it.  I was driving to another meeting and in the midst of gray and over cast skies there was this brilliant blue patch in the sky, with white fluffy clouds and the rays of light shining through.  It looked like it was painted upon the canvas of gray as it stood out in stark contrast.  I knew that this was his chocolate and flowers and my heart was blessed immensely.  This was my personally scripted gift, for my heart.  My breath was stolen by the beauty, and even now words are inadequate to fully describe it all.
My Gift (the best picture I could find to describe it, still not quite right but close enough)
Friends, I will end by saying this, God wants intimacy with you. He "...wants to live this life together with you, to share in your days and decisions....  He wants intimacy with you in the midst of the madness and mundane, the meetings and memos, the laundry and lists, ...projects and pain."Eldredge. He is the God who sings songs over you.

Zeph3:17 (NIV)

"The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”

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