Friday, August 31, 2012


“The Decision May Make Itself For Us…”

In talking to a friend of mine, these words came out of our conversation, “The Decision May Make Itself for Us”.  When taken out of the long email I sent and placed alone, they really stood out.  I have seen this happen so often in my life, there is not enough time to tell of them all.

I suppose that this is not a unique occurrence and if you cared to share, you would be able to to say “girl I have a few times where that was the case”.  Maybe you were like me and my friend, where you were thinking of purchasing a new car. You were praying about such a large purchase, and trying to decide when and how much and the list of checks we make for ourselves.  But then the decision no longer became yours, your car died (forever) or you had an accident that killed the car.  Now you have to buy a car, ready or not.  

I was also thinking about the church. I have been thinking about where I am really supposed to be attending. I am sure I am not the only one that has that question pop up from time to time.  Or perhaps you have never thought of that.  But maybe that decision is not yours but God’s.  I looked at the church back in Acts.  It has been recorded that the gospel was able to spread because the people were being persecuted and fled. The decision was not theirs, but it made itself for them.  

My purpose in sharing today is simple.  We can rest our decisions in God.  We worry ourselves too much about the details.  God has a way of helping us along in the things that matter most.  That means You and everything that you face.  You matter most to Him.  Whether we come to our conclusions by fire or calm waters, we can trust Him completely for the results.
Keep praying and listening to what God says….He will direct your steps.

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