Thursday, August 2, 2012

Still Applies to today

Back in 2006 I sent this email to my friend in response to waiting on my “own”.  She meant Own Husband. Here is what I said

“U know what I have began to do...pray for him. I don’t know his name, but I pray for him.  I am reading Proverbs 31 Man by Michelle McKinney Hammond (another great read btw) and  I am inspired to cover my "own" in prayer because God knows the vision I have of him.  The people perish for lack of a vision - so start envisioning your “own”, and as you do you begin to pray for him.  God is not slack concerning his promises towards us.  He has promised to supply all our needs - to give us the desires of our hearts.  Jesus lives to petition God for us, if we go through Him - so begin dialogue about your "own".”

Earlier that same year I had sent this to all the single ladies I had in my inbox, and even a few guy friends as well.  Here is a peek of that email:

Hi Ladies,
I have been reading this book called Secrets of an Irresistible Woman. It is all about knowing who you are as a woman of Principles and knowing how to recognize the husband from a biblical stand point. Needless to say it contradicts the norm of society today, but the word of God is applicable to any era. From it I was inspired to write the criteria for my husband. Mind you, I never really thought about it before. I was actually trying to explain to my uncle and these words formed in my head. So, as always with all my revelations, I am praying that you my single sisters and friends will be likewise inspired to find out what your SOP of a husband will look like and prayerfully seek God's wisdom on your choice. Be blessed always.

SOP for My Husband

I don't just want A man; I want The man God intended for me.
The man that I fit, matching him like his lost rib.
The man to whom I was made to be his "help meet"
The man made to love me as he loves Christ and himself. 
A man of valour to whom I am his virtuous woman. 

I want a man that will be the priest and authority in the home. 
A man that will be accountable to the Holy Spirit for his actions towards me and our children.

I want a man who can understand the language of love and who can show me the love that I need. 
A man who will speak like Solomon to the Schunamite woman, praising my curves, my spirit, my mind.

I want a man that is willing to find me and receive the full favour of God. 
A man who understands that his blessings are wrapped up in me his wife.

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