Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Once again I am at this place in my life where I feel exposed and very fragile. I feel my most vulnerable before God right now. I have been reading this book by John and Staci Eldredge called Captivating, and it has been quite the journey.  I am usually a fast reader and can get through any fictional novel in a night if it really holds my imagination. This book has taken me weeks to come not quite to the middle of it. It's not what you think at all. It is a really good book; it is a book that requires you to pause and simmer the ideas, meditate and reflect.  It causes you to stop and pray, cry, think and even smile and dare to feel special and loved. It disturbs my façade and exposes lies with truth. It does what it promises – unveil the mystery of a woman’s soul.

I realize that this may sound like a paid review, but I assure you, this is all voluntary and without the knowledge of the authors who will perhaps never see this blog. 

God has been using the words written from this couple to tear me apart - in a good way. For me, it has been an exercise of going through all the crust and yuck that has been my covering since I was a child. It hurts a lot to have it removed. So, I have been crying a lot, as God brings memory after memory to me. He has been pouring balm into the wounds exposed and cleaning me up.  I didn't even know that I would be affected so much when I picked up the book.

In a way, perhaps that is not so true.  I have had access to this book for quite a while. It has been sitting on the shelf of our book case, sending me invites to read whenever I come around. I would pick it up - drawn to it and then replace it with another "lighter" read.  I really didn't want to explore the Unveiling mystery of my soul at all.  So years, yes years, went by and the book remained unread.

Not this year.  This year, I am going through this journey - to the end. On a side note I should confess that I have started a dozen books that challenge me, and always I seem unwilling to go it to the end.  I was never ready to get through the hard stuff.  I did complete Beth Moore's book on Insecurity. That one I listened to, and she made me feel like we were just girlfriends gabbing. It was easier to take and I am so glad I did.

My love of the printed word allows me to gain so much more than if I was just told something. I get to see it time and again in seconds and so for some reason it is more powerful to me. 

I want to share my journey with you. I want to invite you to walk with me as I go through this unveiling process of my soul.  Some things are too hard to say, and will remain just between myself and God. However, I feel that benefit is to be gained if I do tell you what I have learnt and experienced.

I am hoping that you will be inspired to run to the bookstore and purchase your very own copy of Captivating Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul.

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